The Power of Home Visualizations

Yun-A Johnson was the guest presenter for January’s Self-Care Isn’t Selfish webinar. Her topic was Re-Imagine Your Home, and she began by guiding participants through a “Home Visualization MadLib.” It was a sensory experience that enabled us to connect our present with past memories and future possibilities. Asking us to fill in the blanks, Yun-A began with “It’s Friday and you’re home early before anyone else. As you step through the door, you instantly feel _______. You’re greeted by a whiff of the __________ scented room freshener you just bought because it reminded you of ___________.”

The women gathered then had an opportunity to share about what they experienced. One shared that she feels peace when she comes home to the smell of freshly baked bread, and another said that she likes to keep her door open to bring the scent of the nearby forest indoors. A third woman said that driving on the busy roads makes her nervous. When she arrives home safely, she feels gratitude and offers a prayer of thanks as soon as she enters the door. Then she walks past photos of her husband, her children, parents, and grandparents and feels the connection of family.

When Yun-A was a young mother with two children under two, she had several experiences that impacted who she is today. She shared that she had a lot of frustration and guilt about the state of her home. While visiting the local library in Norway where she lived at the time, she discovered Marie Kando’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” This led her to her Aha moment of getting clarity about what she wanted in her home—a space that would inspire her and her family to create together.

Once she got clear about what she wanted, it became possible. She said, “First, I had to give myself permission to do it. And then, I needed to ask for help from my mother-in-law with my two young sons.” Her realization was that asking for help and support is an important part of self-care. As she prepared for this presentation, she was reflecting on our webinar theme: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish—Healing Myself, My Family, and the World. Yun-A said that looking back, she recognizes that this beginning step of getting clarity for herself and making changes in her home has led to her having more connection and peace in her family. It has also grown into her business of helping other mothers do this for themselves.

To watch the recording of this powerful webinar, visit our YouTube channel here: And sign up for the next webinar on Saturday, March 9, 10 am PT/1 pm ET where Yun-A Johnson will be giving Reimagine Your Home—Part 2. 


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