
Our monthly meeting on Nov. 20th, 2011, was entitled "Chakra and Gemstone Power".

As participants braved the rain and filed into the house, they were greeted with the Jazz music of Mr. Jack Fulks. He is an excellent saxophonist and flutist. Mrs. Giene Fulks sang the Lord's Prayer while he accompanied her on the flute to open our meeting. They are both long time supporters of WFWP. Era Thompson gave a short introduction of WFWP for the benefit of the several new guests, Emma Reed introduced the presenter Caroline Wallrich and her assistant Tasha Rae.

Caroline introduced us to the location of the main chakras running through the center of our body. Each chakra is a vortex considered to be the focal point for the reception and transmission of energies which support specific functions of the mind and body. When any of them is out of balance, ill health is often the result. For example: The throat chakra is located in the throat region and is related to speech, self expression, ability to trust, loyalty, organization and planning. A person whose throat chakra is out of balance may experience thyroid imbalances, swollen gland, fevers, infections, mood swings and/or other disorders. To stimulate the throat chakra, one could sing (in the shower if one is shy), read poetry, collect art, have meaningful conversations.

In this manner each chakra affects different circumstances of the body when out of balance and can be brought back into balance through specific actions. Color also affects the balance of chakras. For example: To stimulate the heart chakra, one could partake of green food and drink, wear green clothing or green gemstones.

Caroline explained that gemstones have played an important role in history as healing agents. She has designed many necklaces, bracelets and broaches using gemstones for specific energy alignments. The gemstones can be used to detoxify and cleanse the chakras and restore the body to health.

Tasha is a spiritualist and took the group through a meditation based on a favorite color swatch each person chose from a basket. Several participants noted that they felt uplifted after the meditation.

To close our session Mr. Fulks graced us with another rendition on his flute. The ladies and gentlemen stayed long after the close of the meeting to admire the gemstones and jewelry Mrs. Wallrich shared with us. Tasha was very generous in offering her gift to those who asked for insights.

The reporter would also like to add that Mrs. Caroline Wallrich has become an official member of WFWP.


