President's Corner: Women’s Unique Power

Someone once told me “you are like space.” I wasn’t sure what I thought of this attempt at a compliment. But then he went on to explain that you need space to get from point A to point B, and I was the space that got us there. Five years later, this remark has still left a lasting impression on me. I think many women leaders, like me, wear this badge without recognizing how essential it is. We are the ones who give space to what needs to occur in order to secure lasting change. This is a skill that is often not highlighted enough as a strong leadership skill. But let’s be clear, it is essential. 

I have to be careful when I go down this path, because I have no intention of tearing men down to lift up women. Instead, the goal of this conversation is to highlight the differences in male and female leadership and honor them both. Because that’s the point. We need both men and women leaders. The reason we can get so easily lost is because there’s a history to make up for. However, we don’t want history to repeat itself this time. Instead, we choose to lift up both women and men. 

"I launched the Women's Federation for World Peace as a movement to awaken women to their true value and help them embrace men and develop themselves in partnership with men." 

-Mother Moon, Mother of Peace Memoir p254

Most of my professional life has been surrounded by male leaders. Many of them are wonderful, and many have made a tremendous impact. Men leaders have great vision, great passion, and a drive to get there. Women are capable of similar virtues, however, we are also equally capable of something more difficult to describe. Something just as essential, but not as much sought after. 

What is it? Our founder, Mother Moon, founded this organization as a space to nurture and strengthen that “space.” But we can’t do it alone! So ladies, get involved, and get ready to tap into a power that is uniquely yours. 

Stay tuned for some exciting plans for 2024!


The Mindful Path – Release


A Big THANK YOU to Mrs. Sahara Cardenas