
Right after the powerful and inspiring Madison Square Garden events, around 60 WFWP women leaders from Korea, Japan and the United States made their way to another meeting venue in order to meet with WFWP International President Yeon Ah Moon. The purpose of the gathering was to begin the discussion, as to how the three nations can collaborate based on the Founder's Vision, and Build a Culture of Peace. In fact, ​this was ​in direct response to Mother​ Moon's call during her message at MSG, when she said: "....these three nations [Korea, Japan, and the United States], ​need to unite...on the foundation of a revolution in the culture of heart​..."​

Even before July 15, Mother Moon had commissioned this meeting to take place together with President Yeon Ah Moon, asking in particular the women to lead the way to making this collaboration a reality.

WFWP USA President Angelika Selle opened the meeting welcoming each delegation of women leaders, 20 Korean leaders, 7 Japanese leaders, 20 US state chairwomen, as well as two leaders of the UN Office in New York, under the leadership of Alexa Ward, and more than 10 observers.​

Angelika Selle thanked the Korean and Japanese women for their many years of sacrifice, love, and patience. WFWP Korea and WFWP Japan have given much to internally nurture and raise up our organization here in America, almost like a father and mother. However, she also mentioned that now America has matured and is ready to take the lead.


She introduced Pres. Y​e​on Ah Moon who shed more light on the purpose of the meeting, and shared words from Mother Moon.

Then to loosen things up,a short ice-breaker followed. One representative of each group shared what ​she is passionate about in WFWP. The theme running through most of the four testimonies was that the ladies were proud to live at the same time as Mother Moon, who is our unique example of a true woman leader, to take part in her vision​ that is based on​ living with a mother's heart, and ​working together with​ women from every culture and background​ ​to make peace​ a reality.​

A delicious dinner was served that created a warm atmosphere for chatting and discussion at each table.

Then a one hour​ long​ discussion took place within each group discussing the question: "What is the Founder's vision for 2020, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each nation in accomplishing it.”

​Pulling the two tables together, our American women leaders started to engage in deep conversation, sharing different insights, suggestions, and also posing many questions. ​​It was evident that within each nation ​and group​ the spirit and ideas were flowing to hear each person's take on the topic.

When each group had their representative give a summary report of their findings, it became very evident that each nation has great accomplishments; yet, initially, it was not easy to see a common base.

It was evident that this was just the beginning, and that more meetings such as this are needed to find a common base and common project, more than our common objective to support the Strategic Nations and also develop the Global Women’s Peace Network.

Instead of analyzing and summarizing the findings, Pres. Yeon Ah Moon requested that participants share their personal experiences at the Madison Square Garden event, their responses to Mother Moon's message, and any ​insights​ they ​wanted to relate to the group.

The stories and anecdotes, related in a very lively way,​​ created a whole new dimension and atmosphere in the room, especially when ​the US chairwomen expressed their hearts, emotion, and love for Mother

​Moon,​ ​quoted feedback from their guests who were completely inspired and transformed, and also expressed their sense that much more is being expected of​ ​women from now on.

Pres. Yeon Ah Moon concluded with words from her heart​, observations about Mother Moon, ​with whom she is privileged to serve and work with up close on a regular basis. Pres. Yeon Ah mentioned the great trust​ Mother Moon has in the women of the Women's​ Federation ​for World Peace as she regards this organization as ​a "direct extension" of her heart and body. All felt uplifted and came together in heart.


The evening concluded first with group photos, followed by individual group photos, and finally, photos were taken one on one with our lovely and beloved International President. All the ladies there truly appeared as beautiful shining lights.

​​The evening marked a good beginning for further communication and collaboration among the women leaders of these three nations, ​and held much promise for a​ ​​productive future ​together.​

Thank you Mother Moon and President Yeon Ah Moon, for your leadership and example, that continue to inspire all of us to not only keep going, but to outdo ourselves.


