“Leaving a Better and More Peaceful World”

Editor’s Note: WFWP USA would like to share a personal introduction from the newest member of the national headquarters team.

My name is Yumi Angolio Willett and I am excited to be the new Global Women’s Peace Network (GWPN) National Assistant!

Growing up in Kenya, I would occasionally join in WFWP Kenya events. We would go to hospitals over Christmas, sing carols and offer gifts to the mothers with newborn babies, visit local orphanages to volunteer and play with the kids, and usher for WFWP events. I found these to be very interesting as I got to interact with many people and saw firsthand the amazing and impactful work that WFWP Kenya was doing. That to me was very inspiring! 

After coming to the United States, I joined WFWP in 2021, when a friend reached out to me to let me know that WFWP USA was looking for a volunteer interpreter for their monthly Korea, Japan, and USA prayer meetings. From that first time, I was glad for the opportunity to be part of a remarkable group of women peace leaders. Following this, it felt natural for me to want to be part of the team that organized the GWPN Mini-Talkshow hosted by South Korea in February 2022. A few months later, I interviewed for my current position and, as providence would have it, here I am.

Prior to working with GWPN, I worked for two years in South Korea after graduating from university. My background in Computer Science and PeaceNGO studies allows me to dissect issues and streamline ways of doing things while also allowing me to challenge myself in any new environment. I am passionate about leaving a better and more peaceful world for the next generation. I am optimistic that in my new role I will have the opportunity to work and learn alongside women peace leaders who are actively revolutionizing our society!


WFWP NJ Raises Flag at Clifton City Hall


“Women are needed to create a new paradigm of leadership in the world”