THE BETHLEHEM STAR- A Celestial Miracle

Editor’s Note: A reflective piece by contributing author Cheryl Landon about the possible scientific origins of the Bethlehem Star and the comfort and meaning it brings to her.

Today I wonder how we can feel absolutely secure when parts of our lives, or lives of other loved ones are falling apart? Unexpected losses, challenges and setbacks strike fiercely. How to combat attacks leaving feelings of being overwhelmed, panic, anxiety, and fear-based thoughts?

During these harsh life lessons, many of us put on a strong persona while inside we are barely coping, just trying to survive, trying to understand. How to seek reliable advice? Perhaps a safe, secure solid foundation we can trust that has our best interests. After all, we are all doing the best we can. Perhaps, if we could see a celestial sign affirming: "Yes, I am here!"

It's the holiday season. Time to believe in the impossible, to discover the possibilities and solutions that  are actually better for us. Even celebrating life without the comfort of loved ones who passed away, yet we celebrate for the sake of those here with us now. Consider how we cope with job loss, financial loss, health issues, relationship stress with positive possibilities. It is a definite stretch

Yes, even wars, devastating innocent lives, shattering freedoms, forcing cruelty. Those enduring the devastations of war, hungry in the midst of evil, a horrifying, dark atmosphere where only destruction can prevail. Those facing execution for how they dress. How to respond to this gnashing of teeth and give hope? What does hope mean? Saint Paul tells us that If we actually knew what was going to happen, we wouldn't call it hope; that would be knowledge.

What are you hoping for? We may have hopes about our family or environment. We all need hope to animate us, to keep us awake and lively. It would be sad to have nothing to hope for. Is it so wrong to hope for freedom? A safe place where a person, a family can enjoy a life of peace?

I believe the best we can do is pray. Prayers are a powerful connection to God who responds to us. You may ask: "How can I be assured God is alive, watching over me, especially when told our Creator is like a Father to His child, us?" We ask for a celestial sign. We've been waiting and waiting, 2,000 years of waiting.

Wait! This Celestial, Heavenly sign has occurred! This sign from the Heavens was visible across the globe for several nights and was considered "One of the rarest celestial events last seen 800 years ago." The Bethlehem Star or Christmas Star became visible on 12/21/21. It's claimed by astronomy experts as "the Brilliant Star that shares similar conditions as the Nativity, the birth of Jesus Christ." Imagine, this is the same star leading Three Wise Kings to the secret birthing site of Jesus now shining upon us 2,000 years later.

Astronomy experts explain the rare, celestial event as two planets, Jupiter and Saturn, coming together to form the "Great Conjunction". The Great Conjunction is when two planets come so close together they appear as a giant star. This conjunction is rare! This is how the Bethlehem Star, aka Christmas Star, was formed to shine brilliantly across the globe announcing: "Yes, I am here!" "Good news: peace and salvation."

How comforting to know this powerful force is watching over us as a loving parent to a child, a love so pure and protective that it globally serves as the most powerful force in our universe. Giving light to darkness. Knowledge to ignorance. The calmness knowing the purpose of this suffering is really something better; something more purposeful awaits.

As we wrestle to understand the loss of a loved one or financial, relationship, health losses, unexpected challenges become far superior opportunities than we imagined, as we live as God intends us to bring His Kingdom to Earth. It's a state of mind and our choice: To be deliberate upon choices rather than automatically acting off reactions.

We can pray for those fighting for their freedom, facing insurmountable obstacles for such freedom.  Sadly, many take these liberties for granted living in our great country, USA! Let us reach out further with good deeds, for good deeds can undo oppressed domination and spark another life to know love...begin to hope. Let us pray for all those caught in despair of an uncaring bureaucracy or nation to live in hope of a welcoming community, a safe home. Let us live deliberately to follow the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," especially following the Golden Rule in situations and individuals most challenging to us.

I see the Bethlehem Star as proof God is watching over us. As parent to child our Creator shines His light on all to have hope, faith and believe in the power of love as the most powerful force that lets us live on.

It's been an honor and privilege sharing this time with you!  

God bless all with courage, fortitude and love to go above and beyond!

Go with God!  Happy Holidays and Blessed New Year!

Cheryl Landon

Photo credit:  Charles W. Brown Planetarium at Ball State University

Resources: Bethlehem Star;  The Great Conjunction,  and  Advent Retreat:  Jesuits in Scotland

If you would like to personally contact the author, she welcomes comments and suggestions and would love to hear from you. She can be reached at: ""


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