President's Corner: From the ME to the WE Consciousness

Dear friends,

We finally arrived at this brand-new year 2022!

What do you envision for this new year—for yourself, your family, and your community, nation, and world? 

Surely health and well-being are top priorities for all of us—as perhaps are working on ourselves, improving our outlook on life, and developing new skills. All that is well and good. Yet, I believe there is more ... and maybe even the continued Covid pandemic is unintentionally assisting us.

I believe our planet and humanity as a whole, hard as it may be to believe, are slowly but surely shifting from a ME consciousness to a WE consciousness! It's becoming clearer and clearer that living for oneself alone is a dead end, that we need to help each other out with our families, lend a listening ear, and together assist in finding solutions to the many challenges each person and family are facing.

And that WE, in my book, also needs to include our Creator, the Source of true peace and the Source of answers to all of our questions. A connection with our Creator guides us to a higher view of ourselves, others, and the world and can lead to new thoughts and solutions to problems that seem unsolvable. 

As life these days is increasingly seen as so very fragile, we are all coming to appreciate small things, and maybe concluding that we need to focus on what really matters once we leave this earthly plane behind, which is LOVE and a HEART of selflessness that transcend time and space, and this world and the next.

Leaving you with these thoughts to ponder as you continue to reflect and set goals for this new year.

Good luck, and may we all rise to a whole new level of WE in 2022!


Angelika S.


Emotional Freedom Technique and Safe Conversations: Self-Care Isn’t Selfish Series Continues


The Mindful Path – Positive Change