WFWP Canada: Women's Effective Participation in Public Life and Decision-Making Leads to Sustainable Development

On Saturday, June 26, 2021 a virtual webinar was held across Canada under the theme: Women’s Effective Participation in Public Life and Decision-Making Leads To Sustainable Development with 40 in attendance. 

Moderator, Eveline Stewart, Chairwoman WFWP Hamilton, Ontario, opened the program with a minute of silence for the victims of the residential school program which adversely impacted the First Nations of Canada.

Lilly Tadin, WFWP Canada President, welcomed the participants with words of Mother Moon, affirming that “participation by women is needed in all aspects of society from diplomacy and politics to the economy and reform of the legal system. However, the highest priority for our activities needs to be education of our society with a righteous value system based on True Love and the True Family movement. We need to encourage and foster the practice of living for the sake of others.”

Mrs. Angelika Selle, WFWP USA President, as the first speaker, raised the question, “how can we create sustainable development for peace, and who can accomplish that?” She then referred to the unique vision of WFWP to work towards “One Global Family under God” based on spirituality, family values and a lifestyle of living for the sake of others, which when practiced has the potential to secure sustainable development. She also highlighted the founders' insights that women need to be the ones to make this happen as they are more naturally equipped with the attributes mentioned above, and are "wired" differently in their outlook on problems, so they may bring to the table innovative and creative solutions to current problems.

Ettie Rutherford, founder of Women are Worthy, educator and life coach, spoke next. She believes that for women to be able to bring about sustainable changes there first must be a well-planned process that is easily understood by all stake-holders because we should never forget that women face extra barriers in the workplace, in their communities, and in their homes. There has to be a communal focus on not merely leadership skills, but also decision-making and good communication skills.

Ettie shared her R-I-S-E-U-P system that provides the clarity which allows women to plan a pathway that will facilitate their passage to a world that is in need of their expertise, community drive, as well as leadership in the realm of civic engagement and global development.  For women to embrace public life and participate fully in strategic development there has to be focus on the following points: first, clarity regarding the area in which they want to be involved; second, certainty that they have the skills, knowledge and expertise that are needed for the situation which they have chosen; third, awareness regarding the pitfalls that are possible in their role and fourth, acknowledgement regarding the need to assist girls in their journey to adulthood.

Everyone needs to understand that participating in public life takes a heavy toll on personal lives and the lives of family members. Therefore, before joining the “Sisterhood of Change Agents” there must be full knowledge of all that it entails. So let us move forward with clarity, goodwill, consistency, control, kindness and a vision of life improvement for those who are less fortunate.

Merly Barlaan, the Chief Administrative Officer, Deputy Director of WFWPI Offices for UN Relations, and Vice President of WFWP International was our third speaker.

A “woman, as a decision-maker, has the capacity and authority to make important decisions in both private and public settings, as a woman, as co-leader of the family, and as a public person.”  The power of women’s own advocacy must not be underestimated. Humanitarian organizations most of the time work with women. They have the ability to affect change. Her personal testimony of home life where her husband taught her sons about the wisdom and the value of women’s decision-making spoke volumes about the necessity to educate our sons and daughters for the world of the future.

Mrs. Barlaan quoted Mother Moon several times in her speech. “God designed men and women for a relationship in which each gives their divine and unique gifts with true awareness and love. Women are not just men’s assistants. Women and men need each other’s protection. Through the true man-woman relationship, each perfects the other.” She went on to inspire the participants with the works and involvement of WFWPI at the UN. 

The program generated whole-hearted enthusiasm among all participants and speakers.


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