Healing ourselves before we can heal others: GWPN Speaker Series on “Health and Healing”

The Global Women’s Peace Network USA continued its series on Women’s Leadership in Reconciliation & Peacemaking with a “Health and Healing” webinar held on June 28, 2021. Angelika Selle, WFWP USA President and GWPN USA National Chair, was the host. She began by saying, “Our entire planet is under stress. Our emotions are on a roller coaster. This speaker series is designed to help us overcome those challenges and to navigate smoothly through these difficult times. A peace leader is one who should bring healing to others.”

President Selle then explained the vision of GWPN, which is to bring together NGOs, decision makers, leaders, organizations and governments to solve pressing social issues and to secure an environment for equitable human development through peace leadership based on the feminine aspect of human nature.

The first speaker, Terri Liggins, Founder of The Law of Raw Institute for Balanced Healthy Living, Founder of the Literary Front, and the author of Get Your Raw On, spoke on the topic: “HealTHY People — When “Later Becomes Now” is not the time to ask How.” 

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Ms. Liggins recounted her experience of having a mild heart attack at age 40 and learning that she had an auto-immune disease. “Unhealthy habits—eating foods that are full of preservatives, chemicals, sugar; lack of adequate sleep; living a sedentary lifestyle … and stress,” she shared, “can affect your immune system, causing inflammation and disease.” She was introduced to super foods and the science behind God’s food, the food before mankind gets their hands on it: whole, plant-based, unprocessed, raw foods. Through this lifestyle change, her auto-immune disease went away.

Next, Miyuki Pollmann, Founder of Energy in Harmony, and Certified Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine, BodyTalk and Flower Essence, spoke on the topic “Calming Stress and Anxiety.” She stated that energy balancing techniques are the key to health: mental, emotional and physical. “If we touch, tap and stretch, energy starts moving, causing energy to move and flow.” she said. “When you are worried for a long time, the body experiences continued stress, and produces stress hormones in response. If the body cannot relax, the stress can become chronic, which can cause anxiety and disease.” She demonstrated touch, tap and stretching exercises that can relieve this type of stress and bring balance back to the body.

The third speaker, Joni Rae, Founder and CEO of The Mindset Group, Executive Mindset Coach, Organizational Change, spoke on the topic: “Go from overwhelm and stress to flow and freedom.” Recounting her experience of trying to balance a stressful corporate job with her family responsibilities, she told the audience, “We all can relate to the times when we cannot handle any more stress.” She told herself, “I will find a way out of this and I will help other women. We need to get each other through these times.” Viewers were asked to rate various areas of their lives: family, friends, health, spirituality, professional life, romantic relationship, etc. “If one area of your life is not going so well, that’s going to impact all the other areas of your life. I focus on coaching people from the inside out to get to mental mindset wellness.”

She asked the audience to pick a person they admire, for example, a movie star. “Think of three words to describe that person. Then pick an area of your life that you want to work on.” She stated: “We are human Beings: Encompass those words that you discovered for yourself…. If you are actually courageous, for example, what two actions would you take to encompass those actual words? Discover and commit and declare who you are from the future. Then take action from there.”

Participants then had the chance to have their personal questions answered by the speakers. Followed was a video about the Global Friends networking platform.

Wishing everyone health and happiness. It is an attainable goal!


The Mindful Path – Soar


President's Corner: Toward a society and world of Interdependence