President's Corner: Striving to manifest a new paradigm of Marriage and Family

Dear friends,

The month of May has been most eventful, also for WFWP USA, as we commemorated the 61st Wedding Anniversary of our Founders and witnessed the 6th Rally of Hope International, which gave encouragement to millions around the globe. 

How did the Rally of Hope give encouragement? Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, as a great woman peace leader of our time, has been bringing together heads of state and international leaders from all sectors of society to put their hearts and actions together for the sake of developing peace. 

We are very happy to welcome the Mother of Peace this week here in the United States, where she will be giving a special message at the virtual Peace and Blessing Festival, which will highlight and celebrate a new paradigm of marriage and family. There is still time to register for this event at

As you know, "Marriage and Family" is one of the Women's Federation for World Peace chief areas of focus and concern, as we believe that a healthy, wholesome family is the cornerstone for a healthy society, for happiness and peace, and that women play a pivotal role in creating it. 

In this issue, you will find articles addressing various issues women are dealing with as we strive toward manifesting the above vision for ourselves, our children and families and the greater good in the world.

Please stay healthy and safe!


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WFWP Watch Party—Peace Starts with Me: Peace and Blessing Festival WFWP USA


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