An Ancient Perspective on Peace

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Hope. Peace. Inspiration. These were the gifts Dr. Linda Nishikawa, WFWP USA Western Regional Director, gave the participants of the WFWP members’ exclusive webinar, Indigenous American Voices of Peace: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, on January 28, 2021. Dr. Nishikawa shared fascinating insights from her beautiful Native culture, and one could not help feeling a new appreciation for the art, music, dance, and storytelling of the many peoples who call America home. We could almost imagine ourselves taking part in a special women’s lodge or an annual powwow!

Dr. Nishikawa shared how Indigenous Americans were prepared by God to befriend the Pilgrims and how the First Thanksgiving was a coming together of two civilizations that loved God, though they worshipped in different ways. We heard words of wisdom from Black Elk and Crazy Horse, who tell how to have peace within yourself and with brothers and sisters. We heard traditional Native prayers for peace. And we learned the secret of the sacred number four: four directions, four colors, four animals, and four plants. The respect for Mother Earth that is taught and carried on by the tribes of today is apparent in words such as:

“When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, then you will remember this land does not belong to you; it is you who belong to the land.”

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It was a pleasure to be guided to a deeper understanding of another culture, and to realize that all people seek true peace in their hearts and peace for the world.

Comments from participants: 

“It was a thought-provoking and many faceted view of Native contributions to peace. The music is other worldly, and spiritual!”

“I was moved by Black Elk's and many other written slides Dr. Nishikawa presented. They are vivid and symbolic.”

“An amazing presentation; it is so good to see that we all have the same heart and we walk on the same path.”

Each month, WFWP USA members are treated to inspiration and practical tips from incredible guests with our members’ webinar! Sign up today at for as little as $15 a month, help fund empowering programs for women and families, and receive a monthly invitation and access to our full webinar library.


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