Editor’s Note: At a recent spiritual gathering, Elizabeth Aihe recited this poem she wrote and was requested to share it with our newsletter audience.

I am a tree with roots so deep, that the storms and hurricanes may come and go
Still I stand strong 
Even though the wind may blow away and take my leaves, still I stand
For I know spring will come and bring forth my leaves 

Think of all the warmth that I give 
All the books that I give 
All the shelter that I give 
All the give and take action between mankind and myself 
They (mankind) give carbon dioxide to me (tree) 
I give back oxygen for their lives 
WHO AM I? I’m not just a tree; I’m a tree of life 

My roots are as deep as the ocean 
My branches as wide as the earth and 
My trunk as strong as an Iron 
I’m a tree 

All mankind hear my cry 
I wish you will be like me 
Faith so deep that you can stand all the hurricanes, the storms and even the winters of this troubled world  
And still have a heart so deep and wide like my roots and branches
and embrace everyone in the world 
No matter how far they may be or where they come from or the color of their skin 

Oh mankind hear my cry 
Look at me, even though the color of my leaves may change and even drop,  I’m still a tree 
In spring I rejoice for my leaves are green 
In autumn yellow or brown, I’m still a tree 
In winter I have no leaves and when it snows my little branches look like white leaves, 
I’m still a tree 
How beautiful I always look 

All mankind hear my prayer 
Have a beautiful heart that never changes 
Even in winter when it is cold 
Even in summer when it is hot 
Come rain or sun shine, always stay beautiful in heart, for your Love can heal the sick 
and even warm a broken heart and make someone smile 

All mankind hear my hope 
and be as deep as my roots and strong as my trunk 
Have a heart full of love, for you are the messiah and  
Who am I? I’m a tree of Hope and Strength 


Preventing Covid in Rwanda—New Handwashing Station is installed with donations from the WFWP Schools of Africa Project


Heal the Earth