Abraham Lincoln's Home

Abraham Lincoln's Home

When the June 20 Lincoln Heritage Trip to visit former President Abraham Lincoln's home was in the planning stages back in May, we in the WFWP Chicago Chapter didn't know exactly how it would unfold. However, through a financial grant and in cooperation with Universal Peace Federation leaders Bruce Sutchar and John Prevost and local Family Federation for World Peace leaders, we began to discuss the upcoming trip and how our local community could be involved with it.

Our passionate weekly preparation meetings were memorable because each of us wanted to share the responsibilities and provide an educational experience for all the participants. The greatest thing that came out of the trip was the effect on the younger participants. Two young people even spoke to our community on June 21 about their impressions.

Group photo

Group photo

Kenji Omura, one of the students who participated, was impressed by former Lt. Governor Sheila Simon's talk at the Illinois State Capital Building. The points that remained with him were that Abraham Lincoln liked politics and that once Lincoln became president he realized that he was equal to everyone else. And of course Lincoln was known to be an honest man. He left the audience with the question: How invested are we in planning for the future?

Then Carie Arline, another student, remarked that she liked having the time to spend talking with participants both young and older. Her talk with Rev. Sutchar inspired her and she felt more bonded to America through the trip. While visiting Lincoln's tomb she read the words of his farewell speech to the people of Springfield in which he stated that by himself he would fail, but with God's help he would succeed. She realized that Abraham Lincoln was a great speaker, short and straight to the point. She said that through the trip she now understands why God was able to work through Abraham Lincoln while he was president.

Photo at the Illiinois Capital with Sheila Simon

Photo at the Illiinois Capital with Sheila Simon

For myself, the Lincoln Heritage Trip taught me the importance of leading with the heart of gratitude for WFWP’s Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Even in small ways like preparing refreshments, I felt very involved. I participated with my husband and eldest son, so it became a family experience.

WFWP Schools of Africa Director Min. Fannie Smith and several clergy members from Chicago joined the tour and they commented that they could see everything with new eyes this time. Although President Lincoln is the one who is most renowned both for his excellent leadership, suffering, and sacrifice in a time of war and civil unrest; without the support and determination of his wife Mary and his sons Robert, Willie, and Tad he could never have achieved the success his calling demanded.

Having been born in Illinois, it was heartwarming for me to re-visit our state capital in Springfield, and tour Abraham Lincoln's tomb and his family's home. It renewed my determination to work to reconcile the divisions and misunderstandings between races, generations, and political parties in the United States.

Fannie Smith and Patricia Fliginger visiting Lincoln's home

Fannie Smith and Patricia Fliginger visiting Lincoln's home

Fannie Smith in Lincoln's home

Fannie Smith in Lincoln's home

On the bus

On the bus

Enjoying the ride

Enjoying the ride

Patricia Flignger at Lincoln's tomb

Patricia Flignger at Lincoln's tomb

The Honorable Sheila Simon, former Lt. Gov. of Illinois

The Honorable Sheila Simon, former Lt. Gov. of Illinois


