Reflection on Mother Moon’s Quote

"Today I invite women to accept an important role and become the turning point in building a new century characterized by a loving, peaceful culture."

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, October 27, 2012, Women as the Turning Point for Peace

Dr. Moon’s words build up my confidence in my own role because she believes in women, in our potential to be givers of love beyond the boundaries of our own families. And she holds that belief because, as a woman, she has embodied that potential herself, and her special and constant love connection with God, our Heavenly Parent, has made that possible. As she reveals in her memoir, “Mother of Peace and God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes,” Heavenly Parent’s love has been real for her since early childhood, and that love has carried her through all sorts of painful circumstances, like the devastation of the Korean War and the loss of three beloved sons. In spite of all the ordeals, she has endeavored to return joy and glory to Heavenly Parent by living a completely public life of service and motherly love, together with her late husband, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. As she has done throughout her entire life, she is still maintaining the determination to make the Heavenly Community blossom right here on our beloved earth, but she needs our help—from each one of us. All we need to do is to let the love of God shine from our hearts and radiate all around us, and trust, absolutely trust, that it will create miracles of forgiveness, reconciliation, and rebirth. In time our communities will be transformed into places where a peaceful culture can bloom, where brotherhood and sisterhood will be the norm. We must believe that we can make all that happen, believe it with all our heart, soul and mind. It is the destiny God is calling us to, and it is up to us to make it a glorious destiny.

Editor’s Note: This reflection on Mother Moon's quote was shared at the most recent national "Prayers for Peace" Conference Call, which occurs every other Saturday of the month.


Women of Faith Living Together in Peace


Part 2: I Promised My Dad